SIRT Training Pistol

Safe, effective, and convenient


The SIRT Training Pistol is completely inert and cannot fire a bullet. This allows you to train yourself and others without the worry of an accident occuring. 


The dual lasers provide instant feedback on your trigger pull. You can diagnose common deficiencies like trigger jerk immediately and track your improvement.


Little to no setup ensures that your time spent training is focused on improvement, not logistics. Whether you are on the range or in your kitchen you are ready to train.

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What SIRT does for you


Train in your Environment

We spend a lot of time in our homes and vehicles so it only makes sense to train in them. Knowing your angles, defensible positions, and more could be the difference makers. Convenient training means you are going to train more often as well.


Chosen by Professionals

SIRT has been chosen by law enforcement, border patrol, and top competitive shooters as their trainer of choice. If you want to be able to compete with the best, you need to train with the best.


Dynamic Training

Go beyond what you can do at the range. SIRT allows you to work your draw, compromised shooting positions, and other techniques that aren’t allowed on most ranges.


Function of SIRT

The SIRT uses a resetting trigger and dual lasers to indicate how precise your trigger pull is. The lasers give a visual indication of where your shot would have impact as well as how clean your trigger pull was.


Economical Training

Ammo costs make high volume training prohibitive. With the SIRT, you can get thousands of trigger pulls without spending money on ammunition. A single battery lasts 1-3 years and can be changed for less than $3.


1:1 Weight and Feel

SIRT Training Pistols are designed to mimic the weight and feel of your live fire pistol. Training needs to be as close as you can get to the real thing if you want to see results.

See it in action

About Us

We are a small company out of Ferndale, WA dedicated to improving firearm training and safety. In 2011, our founder and Glock Grand Master, Mike Hughes, was training for an upcoming match and realized the need for a dedicated dry fire training tool. After creating a prototype in his garage, he spent the next year refining the design into an effective and reliable training tool.

Designed, tested, and manufactured in the USA.

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