USCCA Instructor

Welcome USCCA Instructors

NextLevel Training has had a long-standing relationship with USCCA and from the start has been in alignment with the mission to train, educate and protect.

NextLevel Training has always provided exceptional pricing for Instructors when we first developed the SIRT Training Pistol and we have continued that culture. 

As a USCCA Instructor you can take advantage of very special pricing of SIRT platforms.  First, Get a SIRT for your self so you can train to be the best you can be.  Secondly, you can outfit your class with several SIRTs to do numerous drills within a classroom setting, as well as on and off the range.   Thirdly, you can  sell some of your inventory to your students to put them on the glide path of high-volume self diagnostic training. Below is a few packages which are very common for instructors.  Of course this page is confidential, please take appropriate measures to maintain these special offers ONLY for USCCA Instructors. 

SIRT 110 Performer Packs:  We are still selling SIRT Performer five packs for $799.  The new 115 C has functional features of the Gen 5 Glock 

Any questions on packages feel free to call trainer support services at (208) 266-0941 or our cherished customer service department at (360) 920-4640 ext 3. 

Thank you for what you do as an instructor; hope to see you on the range sometime.


Popular Packages

The Classic SIRT
Performer Packs

The SIRT Performer has a red shot indicating laser, a red trigger prep laser and a polymer slide . It has functional features of a Glock 17 and is a mainstay for many instructors who want to do drills in their class with a SIRT.

The New 115C

Functional Features of a
Gen 5 Glock 19

After numerous requests from Federal Agencies and end users,  NLT has developed the 115C that has the functional features of a Glock 19 GEN 5.  The metal slide and green laser version is a top-of-the-line model which is NLT’s latest generation.

Call Customer Service at (360) 933-4640 ext 3 or Trainer Support Services at (208) 266-0941 

to get pricing on custom packages. 


We offer various platforms such as functional features within the brands Sig 320 (the SIRT 20), Smith&Wesson M&P (our SIRT 107) and of course your 110 and 115 models having functional features of various Glock pistols. The SIRT Pocket Pistol is a homogenized format having features of several smaller format pistols packaged within it comprised within a smaller unit for people that choose a subcompact pistols.

SIRT 107



Call Customer Service at 360 933-4640 ext 3 or Trainer Support Services at 208 266-0941 to get pricing on custom packages.

AR Training

We want to lower the barriers to entry for rifle manipulation training with a completely inert system. Take any of the 110 or the 115 models and you can slide the SIRT Pistol into the SIRT STIC to emulate an AR-15 for high-volume, self diagnostic training of rifle craft. 

This system provides the resetting trigger action and laser shot indication where the heavy lifting is done with the SIRT pistol mounted within the SIRT STIC chassis. Train offset, sling manipulation, functional safety, and all the plural skills that you need to do with the rifle.  

Do you frequently train awkward shooting positions, distant shooting and trigger control with your AR? When you’re further along your path, five STICs and five SIRT 110s (or 115’s) you can put on a highly effective indoor rifle manipulation class off the range.  Rifle manipulation courses are growing in demand.

Call Customer Service at (360) 933-4640 ext 3 or Trainer Support Services at (208) 266-0941 

Your students will want to purchase SIRTs.

Be an affiliate; get credit for these sales.

We find many students of instructors want to train at home.  This is a bonus for you because that generally means they are engaged with pistolcraft and will take another class from you.  But if you are the root cause they went out and purchased a SIRT, we want to recognize you with a 10% commission on the sale or a 20% commission towards NextLevel Training Products.  Your affiliate discount code is also 10% off for your student.  We ask that you don’t share the code wide spread on the internet, but rather, share it with your students.  To get started call Trainer Support Services at (208) 266-0941.

Not signed up yet? Feel free to sign up with us below and we will reach out.