Pistol Fundamentals

This is one of our older videos but addresses a common request we get regarding fundamentals. The first question people ask when they see a SIRT is “what do I do with it?” Not everyone has had the chance for formal training and we want to make sue these people are able to hit start improving with their SIRT immediately.  Even if you have had some instruction, I think it is incredibly important to focus and reflect on the fundamentals.

DVD7Special Offer on Pistol Fundamental DVD

Since we did this video a few years ago, we have updated the content and the quality. We are firm believers that this course can help any shooter improve. So much so that we would like to extend you a special offer to so that you can try it our for yourself. Use code: “freedvd” to get your copy for free. You will only need to pay shipping and handling.

We really like this content and want people to have the best technique possible before hitting high volume of repetitions. Give it a shot, you’ve got nothing to lose.

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