Travis Haley practices in his daily life getting in and out of positions, his general body mechanics as a lifestyle on and off the range.


Haley discusses position work such as just taking a knee. Haley stresses instead of just stepping narrow, step out to try to have three points of contact, the toes, the foot, and the knee, so you have three points that are nonlinear (in a straight line) for stability. Further, by having such a stable platform you can more easily step around barricades.


Haley suggests trying to incorporate in your workout a few neuromuscular efficiencies of stepping into position and time (sequence) while extending out a SIRT training pistol.


As described in about 04:00 minutes, try stepping rearward and do the same drill, simply stepping, dropping, and extending the pistol. It should be noted you can further sequence your pistol craft by prepping the trigger and breaking the shot as soon as the muzzle is sufficiently stable.


You may note that in some of these positions you are potentially hyperextending your joints. Haley notes how you can touch down your joints and ensure you don’t hyperextend any joints.


When you get into the prone position you can basically do a burpee, but instead of just smashing both knees on the ground or falling forward and having a yard sale with all your equipment on the ground, Haley discusses practical ways of getting into a traditional prone position. The first step is to squat down and put your non-firing hand on the ground. Thereafter kick your feet back and establish your grip on the pistol. Of course, from here you can roll to the side or do other movements necessary to get in a shooting position.


Break the position back to a push-up position and try an “impulse push-up;” that is, get a dynamic push to “pop up.” Don’t strain up, but rather try an almost rocking chair type action to pop up and look around. (Do a few reps as shown about 08:00 minutes in the video.)


Haley discusses some practical ways of getting in a supine position by generally incorporating the concepts of a break fall. Use your natural biomechanics as you roll back so you don’t slam your head into the ground, and when a gun is incorporated, practice rolling back while getting the gun into play, and even try getting up without getting your hands in play. Note, with full equipment on this may be difficult, but all the more reason to train these skills in your equipment if any. Tip: Try tucking your lead foot under your knee, but start slowly and be cautious if you have any knee issues (see the video at 09:15).


Start in the same manner as with prone above, where you drop down and get your hand down and then simply kick your feet to the side but as shown in 09:45. Be careful, when you naturally put your upper foot back the gun will raise and you have to use tension to hold the gun down. But rather having the upper leg forward you naturally keep the gun aligned without unnecessary muscle contraction. Again you can do several reps of going down and up as Travis shows in the video. If you are a right-handed shooter and you go to the left side, you’ll still put your support hand (left hand) on the ground, but then roll into the side prone.

Travis Haley Showing a Side Prone Position with Upper Leg Forward

Travis Haley Showing a Side Prone Position with Upper Leg Forward


You can keep your hands on the gun with the PLF technique (parachute landing fall) where you naturally roll into position and keeping both hands on the pistol.

Travis talks about situational awareness in 12:30 to know when to go into each position described above. A derivative of situational awareness is simple “special awareness.” Basically burn into your mind the different obstacles in your area to know what obstacles you must contend with when getting into any compromised shooting positions. These are great concepts presented by Travis Haley that you can incorporate in any workout.

What I like about Travis’s suggestions is the movements he suggests aren’t necessarily an entire workout, but rather small things you can incorporate as warm-up, during your dynamic rest, or just sneaking in when you have a few minutes during the day. Haley’s insights and points are very insightful and can definitely be incorporated into your current workout regimen. See more at Travis’s website

Working Out with SIRT

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