Travis Haley practices in his daily life getting in and out of positions, his general body mechanics as a lifestyle on and off the range.
Haley discusses position work such as just taking a knee. Haley stresses instead of just stepping narrow, step out to try to have three points of contact, the toes, the foot, and the knee, so you have three points that are nonlinear (in a straight line) for stability. Further, by having such a stable platform you can more easily step around barricades.
Haley suggests trying to incorporate in your workout a few neuromuscular efficiencies of stepping into position and time (sequence) while extending out a SIRT training pistol.
As described in about 04:00 minutes, try stepping rearward and do the same drill, simply stepping, dropping, and extending the pistol. It should be noted you can further sequence your pistol craft by prepping the trigger and breaking the shot as soon as the muzzle is sufficiently stable.
You may note that in some of these positions you are potentially hyperextending your joints. Haley notes how you can touch down your joints and ensure you don’t hyperextend any joints.
When you get into the prone position you can basically do a burpee, but instead of just smashing both knees on the ground or falling forward and having a yard sale with all your equipment on the ground, Haley discusses practical ways of getting into a traditional prone position. The first step is to squat down and put your non-firing hand on the ground. Thereafter kick your feet back and establish your grip on the pistol. Of course, from here you can roll to the side or do other movements necessary to get in a shooting position.
Break the position back to a push-up position and try an “impulse push-up;” that is, get a dynamic push to “pop up.” Don’t strain up, but rather try an almost rocking chair type action to pop up and look around. (Do a few reps as shown about 08:00 minutes in the video.)
Haley discusses some practical ways of getting in a supine position by generally incorporating the concepts of a break fall. Use your natural biomechanics as you roll back so you don’t slam your head into the ground, and when a gun is incorporated, practice rolling back while getting the gun into play, and even try getting up without getting your hands in play. Note, with full equipment on this may be difficult, but all the more reason to train these skills in your equipment if any. Tip: Try tucking your lead foot under your knee, but start slowly and be cautious if you have any knee issues (see the video at 09:15).
Start in the same manner as with prone above, where you drop down and get your hand down and then simply kick your feet to the side but as shown in 09:45. Be careful, when you naturally put your upper foot back the gun will raise and you have to use tension to hold the gun down. But rather having the upper leg forward you naturally keep the gun aligned without unnecessary muscle contraction. Again you can do several reps of going down and up as Travis shows in the video. If you are a right-handed shooter and you go to the left side, you’ll still put your support hand (left hand) on the ground, but then roll into the side prone.
Travis Haley Showing a Side Prone Position with Upper Leg Forward
You can keep your hands on the gun with the PLF technique (parachute landing fall) where you naturally roll into position and keeping both hands on the pistol.
Travis talks about situational awareness in 12:30 to know when to go into each position described above. A derivative of situational awareness is simple “special awareness.” Basically burn into your mind the different obstacles in your area to know what obstacles you must contend with when getting into any compromised shooting positions. These are great concepts presented by Travis Haley that you can incorporate in any workout.
What I like about Travis’s suggestions is the movements he suggests aren’t necessarily an entire workout, but rather small things you can incorporate as warm-up, during your dynamic rest, or just sneaking in when you have a few minutes during the day. Haley’s insights and points are very insightful and can definitely be incorporated into your current workout regimen. See more at Travis’s website
Working Out with SIRT
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Excellent workout, even for a 66 year old. I train regularly, but I can see these exercises replacing a yoga day.
Kudos to Travis & NLT for sharing!
I would like to have situational training. For example, shooting the bad guy in a hostage situation or shooting the imminent threat where one has a pistol & the other has a knife and so on.
thanks for the insight on travis haley biomechanics. very resourceful in defensive tactics and moving with shot placement.
Travis – Your video is priceless!!!! I’m a security firearms instructor in South Carolina, and the State Law Enforcement Division is presently implementing more stringent firearms training for security personnel. One of areas is for kneeling and prone. You drills will be a life saver for me to practice and implement in my day-to-day training. If you have any training routines that incorporate shooting from behind barricades we would very much appreciative to see the routines.
Thanks, Robert Sirmons
Fmr. Army CID
Em: [email protected]
This was a good video. I appreciated the insight of the instructor on practical applications of everyday exercises and weapons handling. Might be nice to see a resistance workout program designed around tactical firearms drills
I enjoyed this video. However, at 63 years of age, it’s getting a bit more difficult to get into and out of these positions, especially “out of”. I regularly practice with the SIRT pistol and try to go to the range on a weekly basis. I would like to see some alternative techniques for those of us who are not as young as we used to be. When trying to get up, I fear my grunting will give my position away. Any thoughts?
Thanks for posting this Mike. Been looking for content just like this.
Hello Mr.Hughes! T introduce myself: I am an dinosaur of IPSC since 1976 because I competed at the worldshoot 1976 in Berndorf/Austria. The organizer was my Shooting Club. I got my first lectures in Austria in the late 1970ies by Cheff Cooper which was a friend and my Guru for a long time. Since the beginning we had the discussions about gamesmen and martialartist. In my hard I am more a martial artist then a gamesman.. becauseIPSC Shooting was the possibility to train safe and accurat shooting with my defensive handgun which I can legaly carry.
Cooper showed us the “military advanced programm” (as far as I remember a 60 rounds Programm from 50 meters up to 5 meter always with a given time. No one remember this trainingsprogram which trains your ability of accurate shooting on the long range, magchange, strong and support hand and fast shooting on the short range). The 50 meters we shot “back prone”. We did it on a little bit different way. The feet are a little bit more than the hipwide away on the ground. After the startsignal you draw the gun, you go down with your bum to the ground and the supporthand helps to brake the fall. The bum should be as close as possible to the heels. Now the supporthand comes to gun for a stable grip an the knees press together. feets are flat on the ground. All together gives a good and stable position for a longrangeshot. The supporthand helps to stand up again. It was a good way to shoot 2 rounds in 7 seconds for a distance of 50 meters. In this time we all used the Government .45ACP.
An other way for the long range was the rolloverprone position which we did in a little bit different way.
Sorry for my english but it is not my mothertongue.
With best regards an DVC Ronald Riedel
Thanks, Great points
I really enjoyed this video. The movement Travis is showing is very useful and mirrors what I teach!
That was excellent. Obviously a talented instructor, great video, and purposeful content.
Mr. Haley,
Very nice job, you show great energy and motivated me to watch your video several times. Although I’ve retired from law enforcement after 28 years I still train and will incorporate your video training seen here to upgrade fitness and shooting together. Most of my training has always been separate, shooting, weight training, martial arts, stretching. I was a Master Firearms Instructor and tried to use exercise to increase stress level training for officers. Your video would have helped progress the level of our training had I access. Your training and ability to instruct should increase any Police Officer, Military, Competitive Shooter to incorporate a professional training program into there training regiment. The harder you can push yourself when training with solid training exercises the better your skills will be when called upon should the moment arise. I thank you for your Professionlism and your Dedication to help give those people that strive to make PROTECTING OTHERS THERE TOP PRIORITY.
We deliver only what we have practiced. Keep delivering because WARRIORS need LEADERS.
Thanks for what you do.
Scott Shockley
Good stuff. Motivational. Thanks for sharing.