- Getting Head Out of Kill Zone and Returning Fire to Head of Threat with Single Hand Shooting
- Shooting Head Shots with Upward Angle to Mitigate Liability
Shooting upward to the head on an imminent lethal threat not only gets your head out of the line of fire and delivers a immediately incapacitating counter strike, but further, you can limit your liability in the event you miss. Of course one stock response is “don’t miss”. However, for anyone that’s done any scenarios or training in the dojo with SIRT Training Pistols(Or with marking guns such as UTM™/Simunition™ rounds) know that missing does indeed occur in real life. Practically speaking, the number of misses in fire fights with police officers is over 80%, so we have to be realistic on mitigating liability.
This video describe some practical insides regarding the analysis of shooting upward and the trajectory of rounds.
Presented by Sgt. Don Gulla: 12 year SWAT Team/Entry Specialist. Police Academy Instructor for 7 years. Master Firearms and Force Options Instructor. State Certified LE and Security Firearms Instructor. Founder of Arrestling Force Options Training Groups. Over 38 years of Martial Arts/Combative Arts Training. 5 time Karate Gold Medalist, World Police and Fire Games. Senior Master NLT Instructor for SIRTifications.
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Great stuff, thanks!
I have the SIRT Pistol & Bolt, I’m interested in your training in the South Texas area (Houston preferably)
Thanks for the sample video!
I am interested in how to properly carry and exchange extra magazines in self-defense situations.
A specific video with training tips would be greatly appreciated and likely popular.
Maybe by Mike or Mr. Gulla?
Hi Roy,
I would recommend you check out our Chris Collins Concealed Carry Draw Series (Link Below). It’s a fairly short series that covers a lot of material. Part 5 covers a few different reload techniques with two hands and Part 6 goes over some others when you only have one hand available. Let me know if this helped or if there was something else you were looking for.