Isolating Gripping Fingers From the Trigger Finger

Isolating Gripping Fingers From the Trigger Finger

Ideally we want to grip the pistol so our trigger finger is isolated from our gripping fingers. Our tendons attached to the tips of our fingers are connected to one muscle in our forearm. So pulling our fingertips inward tends to pull all of fingers inward (including our trigger finger).





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[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]Larry Yatch, a SEAL and firearm instructor, introduced the C-clamp grip. ย Larry had to get new shooters gripping the gun with isolated trigger control at his firearm training studio and developed a “C-clamp”.

Theย “C clamp” way of engaging the gun to be much more effective and definitely worth a try.ย Having a way to grip the gun which does not require a specific amount gripping force allows much more diverse grip. Meaning, you can grip firm or soft. ย Forย that matter, you can grip asย hard as you possibly can and still have your trigger finger operate independent from your lower three gripping fingers of your strong hand.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]


Safety First!

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  • Always remember to train safely. Adapting the live fire training rules will ensure we can maintain a 100% safety record when training with the SIRT.


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  • All guns are always loaded. ย Treat the SIRT like a live fire gun. ย Don’t point it at other people unless you are following strict Force on Force Safetyย Protocol.
  • Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.ย  Always have awareness where you are pointing the SIRT.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. ย This is one of the best safety training you can do with your SIRT. ย Be sure the trigger is off the trigger until ready to shoot.
  • Be sure of your target and what is beyond it. ย Have a good ballistic backstop when training. ย So just in case somehow a live fire gun got in your training space, a discharged bulletย will be caught in the target area where you are training.



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