Train with Your Own AR-15
You can train with your AR 15 in your own house. Steve Gowin shows some very basic training techniques you can do with your own AR. ย Learn how to train some basic skills such as operate the safety (selectorย switch) with your AR-15 and repositionย the rifle from one shoulder to the other as you moveย around the barricades. Although this video shows the training and in a train studio, of course you can do similar types of training in your own house.
Training Safe Habits with Your AR-15
It’s important to properly use the safety. When not on target switch the safety down and when raising the rifle turn the safety on. The SIRT AR-Bolt allows you to manipulate your safety so you can train this very important skill set.
It is critical to keep your finger off future until ready to shoot. Combination of training operating the safety with gettingย the finger off the trigger while operating the safety is a crucialย skill set.
Training Your Offset