Training Youth in Pistol

Training Youth in Pistol

Training Youth in Pistol Proficiency is intertwined with safety. The best thing we can do with youth is trained them on the fundamentals and always go over muzzle awareness and keeping the finger off the trigger. We are producing out the new DVD, Be The Hero, through...
Training with the SIRT AR Bolt

Training with the SIRT AR Bolt

Train with Your Own AR-15 You can train with your AR 15 in your own house. Steve Gowin shows some very basic training techniques you can do with your own AR.  Learn how to train some basic skills such as operate the safety (selector switch) with your AR-15 and...
Performance at its Best

Performance at its Best

Performance This Video Says it All… On a serious note though,  training at full speed to the point of failure with a lot of repetitions with the SIRT ingrains in safety, namely, finger off trigger and muzzle awareness.