Most of us spend quite a bit of time in our cars but shockingly few have ever trained using their firearm from their vehicle. It seems like it would be a no-brainer to train in your car but very facilities are setup to accommodate this. That’s where the SIRT training...
Many shooters judge themselves based on how they perform when warmed up. In reality, if you are using your firearm for self defense, you will not have that luxury. It’s important to know how accurate and quick you are with the first few shots. This can be a bit tricky...
In this video, Mike Hughes discusses a few different methods of trigger control. There are a few different methods taught in the industry but the main goal is to be able to break a shot without disturbing the muzzle alignment. We recommend you find a method that works...
The article provides analysis on how to most effectively transition a gun from one location to a second location. The contraction of muscle depends on the amount of distance between targets. A shorter transition demands quick upper thoracic vertebrae rotation. A wider...